The Paul Sab’ Réseau professional social network is a place where members can:
manage internship agreements online;
view internship and job offers;
connect with other people;
promote training courses;
find employment by relaying internship and job offers, and thus careers;
keep in touch.
Students can use the Paul Sab' Réseau to:
Received targeted internship ad job offers in real time;
Create contacts via the directory of students and former students;
Publish their profile, with or without their name, in the Paul Sab' Réseau candidate library, which can only be accessed by Paul Sab' Réseau partner companies.
Former students (Alumni) can use the Paul Sab' Réseau to:
Receive job offers from employers with a recruitment page or from their own training course;
Keep in touch or create new contacts via the directory of students and former students;
Publish their profile, with or without their name, in the Paul Sab' Réseau candidate library, which can only be accessed by Paul Sab' Réseau partner companies;
Respond to the market (only available to Paul Sab' Réseau partner companies).
Recruiters can use the Paul Sab' Réseau to:
Manage the recruiter account they have created for their institution;
Post targeted (or open) internship and job offers;
Receive applications in response to internship and job offers and view the profiles posted in the candidate library (only available to partner companies);
Send job offers or contacts to candidates whose profile matches the search (only available to partner companies).