The Interuniversity Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SIMPPS) is a medical and social service that is exclusively available to students. They can make appointments for consultations with general practitioners, medical specialists and social workers.
The SIMPPS organises a wide range of informative and fun activities focusing on prevention and health promotion. These activities are based on five themes: sexual health, mental health, substance abuse and addiction, vaccination and nutrition (nutrition and physical activity). Student associations can use this service to help them set up a project or take part in an event.
In complete confidentiality and without advance fees, you can benefit from:
a nursing service (consultation, advice, guidance & care)
consultations with general practitioners
meetings with social workers, who are available to listen to you and help you with your academic, domestic, personal, administrative and financial problems
medical-psychological assistance (psychiatrists and psychologists)
specialist consultations (gynaecologist and family planning, nutritionist and smoking cessation specialist)