
Bio'Occ (Biotherapies & Biomanufacturing in Occitania: informing, attracting, training and retaining the talents and key actors of tomorrow to support innovation) responds to the need to attract and train tomorrow's talents in this field. It is a response to the significant growth of this sector of activity in Occitania (and more generally in France) and to the demand from the industrial companies who are already experiencing recruitment difficulties, both in terms of quantity and quality.

This project has received government funding managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 programme, under the reference ANR-23-CMAS-0004.


Target audience:

The Bio'Occ project targets all levels of education from high school to phD, including education for employees and jobseekers. In addition, awareness-raising and information campaigns are also aimed at secondary school students, secondary school teachers and healthcare staff.

France 2030:

  • 2030 target: Producing at least 20 biomedicines in France and developing and producing innovative medical devices
  • Total project cost : 8,97 M€
  • France 2030 funding : 4,28 M€


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