Published on June 12, 2024–Updated on June 19, 2024
We are inviting the professionals from the biotherapies and biomanufacturing field to join us on the first Bio'Occ Sector Development Council. Co-construction between higher education institutions and companies is at the heart of this project, led by a plural consortium.
The Sector Development Council is made up of :
Representatives from the educational programs involved in the project and a representative of the Pedagogical Committee ;
Representatives from the socio-economic sectors (companies, clusters, consortia, employee organisations, etc.) ;
Representatives from involved parties in the field of employment and training issues (Dreets, Pôle emploi, Apec, local missions, OPCO, etc.) ;
BIO'OCC's Project Manager ;
Défi clé's Project Manager.
Responsabilities and operation
The Sector Development Council meets at least once a year and is responsible for :
Analysing proposals ;
Providing forward-looking expertise ;
Analysing the qualitative and quantitative data provided by the Observatoire des Métiers et des Qualifications (Skills and Qualifications Observatory) ;
Analysing and monitoring the mapping of educational programs and their relevance to socio-economic needs ;
The Sector Development Council is responsible for the areas allocated to it. It may be called upon to give its opinion on other areas of the project.
Invitation extended to companies outside the consortium
The key players in the biotherapies and biomanufacturing ecosystem in Occitania are invited to join our team at the SDC to discuss the companies' needs and the adaptation of our programs to those needs.